Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Friday afternoon

later we went to the Missisquio River before we had to leave. there were people talking and amber wanted to hear so we learned three facts.1 is the missisquio river is a tributary of lake Champlain.2 is the rivers for white water rafting and kayaking in this state are often easier to find. 3 is if your a camper you can camp at one of the great campgrounds nearby. We went back and started packing are stuff then we left we had so munch fun.
Misisquio river

Friday morning

When we woke up we went to Mt.Mansfield.The highest elevation in Vermont is 4,393 ft. From the east it looks like a human face. Amber said it looked cool.A path leads to west branch river. Amber wanted to go back home cause she got tired so we went home and she ran to the bedroom and fell asleep quick she was snoring loud.I got hungry and cooked eggs yum.
West branch river

thursday afternoon

We wanted to go somewhere to relax so we went down to Lake Champlain Shoreline. We brought towels,  our swimsuits, e.t.c. It was really hot there! It is the lowest elevation in Vermont(95ft).
We went on an magnificent cruise line. It has been a boating place for 125 yrs. we went swimming, relaxed in the sand, made sand castle, and we looked for sea shells. Starlynn scraped her foot on a rock even after i told her to wear flip flops.
a picture of lake Champlain

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

thursday moring

When we woke up we were hungry so we got up and went to charlie B' restaurant. we learned that summer brings deck dinning also we learned that when they prepare for the winter seasoning the Stowe truly stops. it was really good Amber got sausage and eggs and I only got eggs. we stayed for an hour because they had games there me and amber wanted to play pool so we did. Amber was in the lead at first but at the end i got in the lead. After that we played 1 more game amber beat me tho but it was fair. After that we went back to the table and got dessert it was Delicious.
Delicious food at charlie B's restaurant 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

wednesday afternoon

Wednesday afternoon we went to FireFox Inn and Italian.  Amber learned that it was built in 1975 and it began after it was built. there was a lodge and a restaurant we got hungry and went to go eat at the restaurant. When we got back to the Fire Fox inn Italian we stopped and listened to people talk in front they were talking about were it is located in it is located in Stowe. it was Delicious they had signers come and sign.
some body eating at the Fire fox inn and Italian

wednesday morning

Today we rented a hotel. it is called Trapp Family Lodge. We did so many activities. Like bird watching, swimming, mountain biking, yoga, tennis, and a lot more! When we mountain biked I whined that my legs hurt. Eventually we stoped to rest. When I looked at Starlynn she was sleeping on a rock and she was snoring a little. When she woke up we headed down to one of the delicious diners. It was yummy!
trapp family lodge sign that greeted us

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

tuesday afternoon

We got hungrey so we went the parker  pie company we learned that it was first it was a small shopin the back of the country store there are 2 more things we learned 1 is tht foodie destination is not to be missed and the anther thing is they used to have specials on wedsday. it was yummy!
The pizza we got